Redefining Success for a Distributed Energy Grid : The Three Tenets
글쓴이 관리자 (IP: *.176.22.203) 작성일 2018-04-01 23:06 조회수 1,803

There are many Important factors when it comes to the long-terms success of a Distributed Resource management system(DERMS) or Virtual Power Plant(VPP), but many of the success factors that topped the criteria list during earlier phases of DER adoption have been far overshadowed in today's world by the need for a new triumvirate of must-haves.  In today's world, a combination of speed, accuracy and scalability are absolutely essential.

Tenet # 1 Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

Tenet # 2 New Frontiers in DER Accuracy

Tenet # 3 Achieving Long-term Goals Requires Unlimited Scalability


Source : http://info.enbala.com/threetenets

파일 3 tenets.pdf(231K)